Tuesday, September 27, 2011

RJA #5c: Periodical Articles

Here are some periodical articles I have found to help in my research:

   Stephen Gandel
   After three years and trillions of dollars, our banks still don't work.
   TIME magazine (September 26th, 2011): 41

R Chitale

Seven Triggers of the US Financial Crisis

ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY, 43, no. 44, (November 1, 2008): 20-24

British Library Serials

John L Campbell

The US financial crisis: lessons for theories of institutional complementarity

Oxford University Press

Socio-Economic Review, 9, no. 2 (2011): 211-234

Stijn Claessens
The Financial Crisis
Sage Publications
Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 4, no. 2 (2010): 177-196

Michael Milken

US Financial Crisis Is a Black Eye for Capitalism

Blackwell Publishing
New Perspectives Quarterly, 25, no. 3 (2008): 70-73

RJA #5b: Books

Some books that I have on the topic of the financial crisis in 2008 include these:

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report
Financial report of the national commission on the causes of the financial and economic crisis in the U.S.
Official Government Edition
Public Law 111-21, Jan 2011
Public Affairs Books
Washington D.C.

Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
On the Brink
Inside the race to stop the
collapse of the global financial system.
1st edition, February 2010
Hachette book group,
New York, New York

Emily Lambert
The Futures
The rise of the speculator and the origens of the world's biggest markets
1st edition, 2011
Perseus books group
New York , New York

Roger Lowenstein
The end of Wall street
1st edition, 2010
Penguin press
New York, New York

Michael Lewis
The big short
Inside the doomsday machine
1st edition, 2010
W.W. Norton & company
New York, New York

RJA #5a: Reference Articles

Here are some resources that I found on encyclopedia sites like scholarpedia and infoplease.
  This is an entry on Securities trading which I think may be helpful in researching the aspects of the financial industry: http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/bus/A0844270.html 9/25/2011
  This is an entry on the History of American banking, such as the federal reserve and the like: http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/bus/A0856839.html  9/25/2011
  This is an entry on the year of 2008 in review: http://www.infoplease.com/us/history/news-nation-2008.html 9/25/2011
To find these results, I searched for a few of my key words: Economics (>120 results), Deregulation (61 results), Finance (>120 results), Banking (>120 results). I did these searches on Monday, the 25th of September. I think that the relevance of these search results were very good, i was able to find relevant articles within the top 15 results.

Monday, September 19, 2011

RJA #4c: Field Research Options

   There are a few people that come to mind that might have some insights on the topic of the financial crisis for me to interview. I could interview my mother in law, as she is a stock broker and worked through the crisis. If I had access to the treasury secretary or the chairman of the federal reserve, I could interview them as well. I will try to contact them via email, maybe it will work out.
  In addition to interviews of people involved in the crisis, another avenue I can search could be to create a survey for my community to see how individuals were affected by the financial crisis.
  I could also see if there are any lectures in my area on the topic of the financial crisis.
  I could gather statistical data on median household income before and after the crisis, and then write a meta analysis comprised of the data I found. This could help me prove the vast effects of the crisis.
  I could also study back episodes of programs from bloomberg and cnbc to see step by step how the crisis manifested itself and grew as time went on.

RJA #4b: Search Strings

Search strings:
Math strings:
+financ* + regulat* + crisis +2008
+financ* + crisis + deregulat*+2008
+econ* + crisis + mortgage + subprime +2008

Boolean strings: 
“Financial crisis” AND deregulation
“Financial crisis” AND aftermath OR development
“Financial crisis” OR “subprime housing crisis” AND sequence OR causes
“Financial crisis” AND 2008 AND “market reaction”
“Financial crisis” AND “bank fraud”
“Financial crisis” AND “mortgage backed securities”

RJA #4a: Keywords

FO: Finance: financial, financing, financed 
Bank: banking, banker, bankers
Regulate: regulation, deregulation, regulatory
Economy: economics, economist, economic, economies
Cause: causes, caused, causing
Result: resulted, resulting, results

REST: Finance: mortgage, budget, commercial, industry, economic, banking
Bank: reserve, fund, treasury, safe, savings, trust, vault
Regulate: improve, coordinate, manage, organize, direct
Economy: fiscal, system, productive, capitalism, material, budgetary
Cause: antecedent, basis, element, incitement, motivation, source
Result: aftermath, effect, reaction, sequence, development

LOG: Financial crisis > regulatory effects > economic toll > banking sector

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RJA #3c: Research Question

These are some of the research questions that I will be asking in my research paper on the 2008 financial crisis: Would more or less regulations have made an impact on the crisis? Why did the crisis have the systematic effects that it did? Could the crisis have been averted in any way? If the complicated processes, like derivatives and credit default swaps, used by wall street were understood by more people, could they have been, and continue to be, used so profusely? What role, if any, did the big banks have in the crisis? What effect, if any, did the bailouts have on the crisis? What could have been done differently? Did government intervention make things better or worse? Is there a specific person, or group of people, responsible for the crisis? To what extent did the financial crisis affect the US economy? To what extent did the financial crisis affect the world economy? What role did wall street have? Is unemployment linked to the housing collapse? Was the housing collapse linked to the broader crisis? is the crisis over, or will the economy continue to have troubles?

RJA #3b: Research Topic Focus

My topic may include subtopics ranging from: What are the possible effects of deregulation? What are the possible effects of greed? What are the possible effects of complicated financial processes such as the credit default swap and derivatives? What are the possible effects of people buying homes they could not afford? What effects did fannie mae and freddie mac have on the crisis? Was the severity of the US crisis similar in other countries?

RJA #3a: Research Topic Exploration

I did searches in google, Google scholar, technorati, ice rocket, and scholarpedia. the best resource I have found so far is google scholar. I found a few articles on there that I will review in my research. I have bookmarked them in my diigo account. I found articles and  journals relating directly to my topic. I also found websites with vital information on my topic, including government sites. I even found a few opinion blogs and the like sites.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

rj2 Topic choice

   The topic that I have chosen to write my research paper on this semester is the third on my list. This is going to be: "Was deregulation the root cause of the 2008 financial crisis?" I chose this topic because I think that it is a very interesting one. I saw a movie on it recently and it got me interested to learn more.
    A few things that I already know about my topic include the basic series of events of the financial crisis, but not necessarily all of the complicated events leading up to it. I want to ask the question of whether deregulation had a part to play because I have heard some heated debates on that question. I also want to find out how deep the problems went into the rest of the economy.
  Since  I don't know what led to the financial crisis, I want to find out what events led up to 2008, and I plan to look back at least ten years. I also want to find out if the deregulation of financial markets over that time led to the crash. I hope to come away from this research project with a deep understanding about the financial crisis in 2008 and what led to the country into recession.

rj1 Topic possibilities for research project

1. Does viewing violence on television or video games really make one more violent?
2. Do black holes really exist?
3. Was deregulation the cause of the recent financial crisis?
4. Are Genetic Modified Organisms the answer for feeding the world's hungry?
5. Are organic foods more healthy than non organics?