Saturday, September 3, 2011

rj2 Topic choice

   The topic that I have chosen to write my research paper on this semester is the third on my list. This is going to be: "Was deregulation the root cause of the 2008 financial crisis?" I chose this topic because I think that it is a very interesting one. I saw a movie on it recently and it got me interested to learn more.
    A few things that I already know about my topic include the basic series of events of the financial crisis, but not necessarily all of the complicated events leading up to it. I want to ask the question of whether deregulation had a part to play because I have heard some heated debates on that question. I also want to find out how deep the problems went into the rest of the economy.
  Since  I don't know what led to the financial crisis, I want to find out what events led up to 2008, and I plan to look back at least ten years. I also want to find out if the deregulation of financial markets over that time led to the crash. I hope to come away from this research project with a deep understanding about the financial crisis in 2008 and what led to the country into recession.

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