Monday, September 19, 2011

RJA #4c: Field Research Options

   There are a few people that come to mind that might have some insights on the topic of the financial crisis for me to interview. I could interview my mother in law, as she is a stock broker and worked through the crisis. If I had access to the treasury secretary or the chairman of the federal reserve, I could interview them as well. I will try to contact them via email, maybe it will work out.
  In addition to interviews of people involved in the crisis, another avenue I can search could be to create a survey for my community to see how individuals were affected by the financial crisis.
  I could also see if there are any lectures in my area on the topic of the financial crisis.
  I could gather statistical data on median household income before and after the crisis, and then write a meta analysis comprised of the data I found. This could help me prove the vast effects of the crisis.
  I could also study back episodes of programs from bloomberg and cnbc to see step by step how the crisis manifested itself and grew as time went on.

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