Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RJA #3c: Research Question

These are some of the research questions that I will be asking in my research paper on the 2008 financial crisis: Would more or less regulations have made an impact on the crisis? Why did the crisis have the systematic effects that it did? Could the crisis have been averted in any way? If the complicated processes, like derivatives and credit default swaps, used by wall street were understood by more people, could they have been, and continue to be, used so profusely? What role, if any, did the big banks have in the crisis? What effect, if any, did the bailouts have on the crisis? What could have been done differently? Did government intervention make things better or worse? Is there a specific person, or group of people, responsible for the crisis? To what extent did the financial crisis affect the US economy? To what extent did the financial crisis affect the world economy? What role did wall street have? Is unemployment linked to the housing collapse? Was the housing collapse linked to the broader crisis? is the crisis over, or will the economy continue to have troubles?

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