Thursday, October 27, 2011

RJA #9a: MLA-Style Annotated Bibliography


Commission, Financial Crisis Inquiry. Financial Crisis Inquiry Report. Washington, D.C., 2008.
     This source is very reliable. It is the report published by the commission of congressmen who analyzed the financial crisis. The report mainly focuses on the causes of the financial crisis, and as such will be where I draw most of my info from for my paper. 

Henry M. Paulson, Jr. On the brink. New York: Business Plus, 2010.
     This is another reliable book, I believe, because it is written by the Secretary of the treasury, Henry Paulson Jr. This book outlines the events leading up to and after the crash in 2008. 

Koepp, Stephen. "Rolling back regulation." TIME 06 July 1987.,9171,964890,00.html
    I found this article and think that it is very interesting to see an article from the mid eighties telling us about the policies that Reagan put into place that many believe got us in this mess.

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