Monday, November 21, 2011

RJA #13a: APA-Style Annotated Bibliography, Part 2

Milken, M., Becker, G., Scholes, M., Spence, M., & Phelps, E. (June 01, 2008). US Financial 
Crisis Is a Black Eye for Capitalism. New Perspectives Quarterly, 25, 3, 70-73.
The writers of this piece are all Nobel laureates in economics. In this piece, they have a discussion on the downsides of capitalism.

Harvey, D. (2010). The enigma of capital, and the crises of capitalism. (Kindle ed.). New York, NY: Oxford Univ Pr.
This paper is a Government Accountability Office release that includes testimony given to the GAO in their investigation into the financial crisis.

Economic Populist. (Producer). (2011). Subprime mortgage volumes.   [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from
This will be one of the graphics I plan to use to highlight the number of subprime mortgages in the years leading up to the 2008 crisis.

Federal Reserve. (Producer).(2001, November 7). Consumer credit outstanding. Retrieved from
I used this site for information regarding the amount of revolving debt historically speaking. 

Wolff, R.,PhD. (Performer) (2009).Capitalism hits the fan [Web]. Retrieved from
This video is a great supplement to watch on the topic of the financial crisis, this professor has a very informative take on the crisis. 

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