Monday, October 17, 2011

RJA #8a: Summary

Reassessing Risk
This article in the Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2008 issue of TIME magazine discusses the transformation of the practice of assessing the risk of investments throughout time. It mentions at the start that a form of risk assessment has been around for centuries, but now, with the advent of many new computing technologies, corporate banks and other financial institutions are able to produce complicated instruments, such as credit-default swaps and collateralized debt obligations. These instruments at first were treated as a profit center, with no regard for the extreme risk involved or even the mathematical models and algorithms made to analyze the value of the underlying assets. The article discusses a few firms that have removed themselves from practices involving these instruments, and also outlines why there should be a move forward for more to do the same

A link to the article, Reassessing risk.

   Plagiarism checker:

Sentence1: "05, 2008 issue of TIME magazine discusses the transformation of the practice of assessing the risk of investments throughout time"

Sentence2: "This article in the Wednesday, Nov"

Sentence3: "It mentions at the start that a form of risk assessment has been around for centuries, but now, with the advent of many new computing technologies, corporate banks and other financial institutions are able to produce complicated instruments, such as credit-default swaps and collateralized debt obligations"

Sentence4: "These instruments at first were treated as a profit center, with no regard for the extreme risk involved or even the mathematical models and algorithms made to analyze the value of the underlying assets"

Sentence5: "The article discusses a few firms that have removed themselves from practices involving these instruments, and also outlines why there should be a move forward for more to do the same"

Sentence6: ""

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